The Democratic Republic of Congo customs operates under the authority of the General Directorate of Customs and Excise (DGDA). (La Direction générale des Douanes et Accises in French ) DGDA falls under the Department of Finance and its primary duty is to control import duties, taxes, tariffs, and other state revenues. The DRC Congo Customs Authority plays a major role in the national economy by collecting customs duties and taxes, as well as fighting customs fraud, and protecting the commercial interests of the DRC’s citizens and national industry.
The General Directorate of Customs and Excise (DGDA)perform a number of tasks which includes among others:
- the collection of present and future excise and consumption duties;
- the classification and identification of origin of goods;
- the determination of the customs value of goods on import and export;
- The implementation of measures aimed at facilitating and securing trade and international logistics chain
- The DRC Congo Customs Authority Fight against illicit trafficking of dangerous goods and toxic waste and against terrorism and cross-border organised crime;
- participation in the country’s integration policy in the regional economic communities;
- monitoring national borders and factories of products subject to excise duties;
DRC Congo Customs Authority Contact details
Address: Boulevard du 30 Juin, Place Royale, Kinshasa, Gombe,
Toll-free number: +243 82 192 02 15
Customs tariff
The DRC has liberalized its importation regime since the beginning of the 1990s. According to the WTO, the DRC‟s average applied tariff rate was 12 percent in 2008. All DRC‟s tariffs are ad valorem and charged on a cost, insurance and freight (CIF) basis. The tariff structure consists of three bands: 5 percent for equipment goods, raw materials, agricultural and veterinary supplies and unassembled equipment; 10 percent for large consumable food items, industrial inputs, spare parts, and items for social services, such as hospitals and disabled persons; and 20 percent for clothing, furniture, cigarettes, and other finished products.
A new value-added tax (VAT) ratio of 16 percent came into effect on January 1, 2012. The VAT replaces the previous consumption tax (ICA). The adoption of the VAT should increase collection of fiscal revenues and appears to be more transparent than the ICA, however, businesses fear that it could lead to price inflation. Certain products are exempted from the VAT, including wheat, flour, oil, milk, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural inputs. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) has published on its website a list of those goods and services subject to, and exempt from, the VAT.
In addition to tariffs, there are several taxes collected on imported goods by different government agencies. These additional taxes that importers pay on goods and services average between 10 percent and 40 percent. The primary DRC agencies that collect taxes on imports include the following: the customs authority (DGDA), tax authority (DGI), General Direction of Administrative Incomes, Industrial Promotion Fund, Office of Maritime Freight Management, National Office of Transportation, and the Import-Export Control Agency (OCC).
The DGDA assesses and collects tariffs and duties based on established rates under the DRC‟s tariff schedule. The OCC charges a 2 percent tax (ad valorem) on the CIF value of all imports exceeding $2,500, plus an additional charge of $5 per ton of goods, and uses a sliding scale for imports valued less than $2,500. Importers of duty-free goods must pay an ad valorem administrative fee of five percent.
Frenchside – Translation of Customs Documents
Frenchside is a proudly accredited South African translation company, we carry out professional translation of all necessary customs documents, according to the niche and specifics of your business.
We guarantee the high accuracy and quality of the texts translated by our specialists, taking into account all the specifics of customs documentation.
You can order the service of translation of customs documents into/from English, French, Portuguese, German and Spanish by contacting the contact phones of the company or, fill in the online feedback request form on our site – and we’ll get back to you shortly.
The following is a list of customs documents that require translation:
- contracts;
- customs declarations;
- bill of lading;
- certificates of conformity;
- price lists;
- foreign economic agreements and contracts;
- licenses to carry out the relevant activity;
- certificates;
- conclusion;
- transit and accompanying documentation. |
Tel: 012 348 3134 or 081 347 6060 |