The Democratic Republic of Congo is a resource-rich country with many advantages for South African companies wishing to setting up a business in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country offers favourable legal and economic conditions for the incorporation of a subsidiary, as well as a diversified legal framework for […]
Understanding South Africa’s certification requirements for sworn translations is crucial when your life’s journey takes you to the borders of the Rainbow Nation. the immigration process in South Africa can be stressful, and translating your documents into English shouldn’t contribute to that stress. The immigration process in South Africa can[…..]
South Africa’s agricultural economy is known to be diverse, productive and modern. There are about 32 000 commercial farmers in South Africa, 12 000 of which produce about 80% of agricultural output. The country has over 96 million hectares of agricultural land, and 12.5% of arable agricultural land, but only[…..]
The Foreign Workforce Management Programme (FWMP) is a body within the Department of Health that offer endorsements to foreign healthcare professionals in South Africa — so that they are able to register with the Health Council Profession of South Africa (HPCSA), to practice medicine in South Africa. The principal objective[…..]