Zoom meetings have dominated in recent years, especially with the emergence of Covid-19 and the growing popularity of remote working. They have become the norm and countries around the world including South Africa have adopted to video conferencing, to host their company meetings and interact with people around the world. They are a staple in our everyday lives and are here to stay. So it is essential that you know the correct etiquette to follow during zoom meetings. But before that, here is a brief explanation of what a zoom meeting is. A zoom meeting is known as a meeting hosted through zoom. Good internet connection, video and audio quality are essential when attending a zoom meeting. People can attend in person, via their phone or laptop using a video conferencing camera or a webcam. Below are 10 zoom meeting etiquette to follow during a zoom meeting.
10 zoom meeting etiquette
Test your device before the meeting
Make sure that you are familiar with using zoom features and test that they are working well before the meeting starts. Check that your camera and sound are working well. If you are the host make sure that you are able to share your screen, with the attendees. And make sure that your internet connection is strong. As the host, you need to provide a link for the zoom meeting and make sure that your attendees know how to use that link to log in.
Don’t be late
Zoom has a free version and a paid version. The free version of zoom only allows for meetings to last about 40 minutes, making it essential for attendees to be on time. Another major factor that one needs to take into consideration is load-shedding. This might cause people to be late or not attend the zoom meeting at all. So when you have a scheduled zoom meeting make sure that you have your devices and laptops fully charged.
Pay attention to mute
Muting yourself when you are not speaking is important, it causes less distractions and can be used to avoid unnecessary background noise. Only unmute yourself when you are talking. Also using a noise-cancelling microphone can help by cancelling unnecessary noise and making your voice sound more clearer.
Check background and environment
It is important to keep your background either plain or have your bookshelf as a background. Zoom also offers virtual backgrounds or the option to blur your background, to give you that professional look. It is important that you present a neat and tidy background. Lighting is also important, make sure that your lighting is good and that you are in a quiet environment, where you won’t be distracted.
Minimise distractions and do not multitask
Avoid multitasking during a zoom meeting. That means closing all the other unnecessary tabs on your device and limiting unnecessary distractions around you. Avoid using your phone and social media and mute your notifications. It’s obvious when one is busy with something else on their device while on a zoom meeting and it can quite be disrespectful as it shows lack of interest and lowers engagement.
Position your camera to eye-level
Making eye contact ensures that you are paying attention to the meeting and that you are engaged. That is why, It is important that you position your camera to eye level, make sure it isn’t positioned higher or lower. It is advised that you look toward the camera rather than the screen it gives the illusion that you are looking at the person talking.
Participate, speak clearly and listen to others
Make sure that you are heard properly when addressing people during the meeting, be assertive, clear and audible and be respectful. Listen to others and give them a chance to speak. Make sure that you know when to talk, when to listen and when to ask questions. This is to make sure that everyone is participating and engaged during the zoom meeting. Don’t interrupt people when they are talking instead use the raised hand icon to get your turn to speak or ask questions. You can also use non-verbal cues to show your participation such as nodding or smiling.
No eating, smoking or drinking
It is highly unlikely that one would eat or drink a beverage when attending an in-person meeting, so the same courtesy should be applied to zoom meetings. Chewing of food and slurping drinks are usually amplified in zoom meetings. So it is not advised that you eat or drink during a zoom meeting. Drinking coffee or water is understandable, but make sure that you are on mute when doing it.
Turn on the camera
Turning on the camera shows that you are interested in what is being said in the meeting while turning it off might give the impression that you don’t want to be part of the meeting or are not willing to engage. And Non-verbal cues are easily missed if your camera is off. Some companies don’t mind if your camera is off, it is even suggested that you do it, if you’ll be listening more than participating or if you are looking to save on data.
Dress Appropriately
Don’t show up with your pyjamas or sweatpants to the zoom meeting, it is unprofessional. It is essential that you dress appropriately and look neat and presentable, just like you would in a face-to-face meeting. Business casual attire is always advised. Dressing appropriately helps you feel confident and professional and helps you get into the right zone for your zoom meeting.
Frenchside Interpretation services
Frenchside interpretation services will help you with any interpretation needs that you might need for your zoom meeting. We offer both consecutive and simultaneous interpretations. And have expert Interpreters who are proficient and native speakers of the language that they interpret and will offer you clear and concise interpretations. We are here to help you host your international delegates, by offering you interpretation services for your zoom meeting. We offer interpretations in all 11 official South African languages, Spanish, German, Portuguese and French. For more information about our services please contact us on the following number 012 348 3134 | 081 347 6060 or email us at info@frenchside.co.za, you can even visit our website at www.frenchside.co.za.