The Different type of Power of Attorney

In South Africa, a power of Attorney (POA)  is s a legal document, where a person (“Principal” or “Donor”) confers authority to another person (“Attorney”, “agent” or “Donee”) to act on his behalf in matters of property, business affairs, financial and Banking transactions, legal matters etc. There are mainly two different types of Power of Attorney the General Powers of Attorney and the Special Power of Attorney.


A general power of attorney allows an agent to make numerous decisions and perform a variety of acts on behalf of the principal, including legal and financial activities. In this different type of Power of attorney, unless the principal indicated a specific time frame for the validity of the power of Attorney (POA)  in the document, it normally terminates on the death, mental disability, or insolvency of the principal.

Special Power of Attorney

A special or limited power of attorney is used on a limited basis for one-time financial or banking transactions, or for the sale of a particular property. This different type of Power of attorney is most often used when the principal is unable to complete the transaction due to prior commitments or illness and wants to appoint an agent to act on their behalf. The agent has no other authority to act on behalf of the principal other than what is assigned to them in the limited power of attorney. Once the transaction is completed, the special power of attorney ceases.


People who live in one country but have interests (eg property, bank accounts) in another country, may need to arrange different type of Power of attorney for their overseas representatives. This is especially true of people who are unable to travel in order to maintain their affairs. The requirement for the validity of overseas all the different type of Power of attorney are: it must clearly describe and identify the grantor and grantee as well as the extent of the power conferred upon the grantee. Needless to say, a power of attorney is by nature and form a written authorisation, signed by both the principal and agent

In addition, the different type of Power of attorney executed outside a country must be translated in the official language of the country of destination by a sworn translator and be apostilled as set out by the High Court in South Africa; or as stipulated in the “Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents”.

Frenchside your translation partner

We are an established translation agency that provides professional certified translations of French power of attorney into English. Based in Pretoria, we offer translation services for both private and corporate customers. Our goal is to always deliver accurate certified translations, which meet your budget and timing conditions. Frenchside is specialising in legal translations and over the years we have completed numerous translations of different type of Power of attorney. Our certified translation into English will reflect the formatting of the original document and also descriptive translations of all stamps and seals. Your power of attorney will be translated by a professional translator specialised in legal translation

To get an accurate quote for translating and certifying different type of Power of attorney, simply send a scanned copy, good quality picture, or the digital version to info@frenchside.co.za or upload them using one of the contact forms on the website and we will get back to you with an official quote shortly.

The Different type of Power of attorney
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The Different type of Power of attorney
In South Africa, a power of Attorney (POA)  is s a legal document, where a person confers authority to another person to act on his behalf in matters. There are mainly two different types of Power of Attorney the General Powers of Attorney and the Special Power of Attorney.
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