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Accredited translation services Johannesburg: 5 Reasons to use them.

Language translation is a service that has become more and more important in Johannesburg, the economic powerhouse of South Africa. This growth in demand has also led to many new service providers entering the market but all translation companies are not created equal in the Johannesburg translation industry landscape. There are Johannesburg accredited translation agencies with official recognition that guarantee levels of quality of service. They assist Johannesburg companies and individuals succeed across the world by translating their materials, reach their consumers worldwide, and boost their brand visibility and recognition. If you have content that needs to be translated, you should hire a Johannesburg accredited translation services provider. This article explains what accredited translation services are and why you need them.

What do we mean by accredited translation services Johannesburg?

Johannesburg accredited translation service providers have official recognition. It means they are reputable translation companies, recognized by the South African authorities and members of professional translation bodies like SATI or Elia, the European trade association of language service companies. This means they meet the appropriate skill, knowledge, and qualification requirements for membership of a professional body. This is very important as it helps to set and maintain high standards

1- Quality

Whether you are applying for a residence permit, expanding into a new market, or launching a new product, it is crucial that you make a good impression by having documents translated accurately and communicate your company values and message appropriately. A Johannesburg accredited translation service provider has the resources to provide top-quality services. They perform quality checks at every single stage of the translation process (i. e. after translation, editing, and proofreading). They have customizable predefined quality checks, allowing to find and fix common and language-specific errors and if the customer has any doubts regarding quality, translation agencies hand over such translation for an independent quality review, ensuring the highest quality of the output.

2- Cultural Knowhow

Translation of any text involves more than just words. Cultural understanding is as important as words, phrases, and context when re-interpreting a text from one language to another. Considering cultural translation is extremely essential when it is about translating business ideas or techniques for an international audience because a lack of knowledge of cultural norms can lead to costly and embarrassing mistakes in translation.  A Johannesburg accredited translation service provider understands this fully thus will only employ professional translators with specialized cultural knowledge who will give consideration to local regulations, legal requirements, and social norms, ensuring your materials ring true to a local audience.

3- Ethical obligations

Accredited translation service providers are bound by the ethical obligations that are relevant to their industry. This means that by leaving your material in the hands of a Johannesburg accredited translation service provider, you can be assured that it will be handled professionally, confidentially, and impartially. Accredited translation service providers take responsibility for the accuracy of their work and are committed to recognizing their own levels of competence. They are obliged not to take on projects beyond their expertise. To give a quick example, you wouldn’t want highly technical content being translated by anybody other than a professional translator who is ALSO an expert in that particular field. This could have drastic consequences on the quality of your material when rendered in another language.

Given their constant involvement in the translation industry, Accredited translation service providers continue to keep themselves up to date with technological trends and changes in both language conventions and the cultural contexts relevant to those languages. They are also committed to maintaining their own professional development, which has an ongoing and positive effect on the quality of their work.

Frenchside, an Accredited translation services Johannesburg

Frenchside is a very efficient and customer-oriented translation company. We are committed to providing services that meet or exceed customer and regulatory requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system, which guides us in everything we do.

At Frenchside Translation, quality assurance planning is incorporated into every milestone of a translation and localization project in order to successfully deliver a product that meets the expectations of both the client and the intended audience

We are proud members of Elia, the European trade association of language service companies,s and the French South African Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

For further information about our document translation services please phone us at +27 (0) 12-348- 3134 or e-mail us at and we’ll be more than happy to talk with you or to answer any questions you may have

Accredited translation services Johannesburg: 3 Reasons to use them
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Accredited translation services Johannesburg: 3 Reasons to use them
Johannesburg accredited translation agencies with official recognition that guarantee levels of quality of service. They assist Johannesburg companies and individuals succeed across the world by translating their materials, reach their consumers worldwide, and boost their brand visibility and recognition.
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