List of International Chamber of Commerce in South Africa

List of International Chamber of Commerce in South Africa

In today’s interconnected world, the significance of international chambers of commerce cannot be overstated. It serves as a cornerstone of the global economy, facilitating the exchange of goods and services across borders and enabling countries to specialise in efficient production. This interconnectedness not only benefits businesses by providing access to […]


South African agricultural exports in the African markets

The South African agricultural exports in African markets are a significant part of the country’s economic growth. The agricultural sector of South Africa is one of the varied agricultural sectors in the world, as it comprises of incorporated and independent intensive and extensive crop farming systems, namely grain production, nuts,[…..]

Agribusiness trade within Afcfta.2Johannesburg_Pretoria_Durban_Capetown

Agribusiness trade within Afcfta

The commencement of the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement on the 1 January 2021 marked the start of a new era for Agribusiness trade within AfCFTA. Agribusiness trade within AfCFTA was proposed to create jobs, improve competitiveness of the African industries, and promote industrialization and to elevate intra-African trade[…..]

Importance_marketing_translation_South-African_companies Johannesburg Pretoria Cape Town Durban

Importance of marketing translation for South African companies in global markets

Companies in South Africa, large and small, often see export as a way of strengthening sales performance and improving profitability. Marketing translation for South African companies targeting customers in countries like DRC, France or Spain is a must in order to directly appeal to their new multilingual consumers. Marketing content[…..]