What is Congo’s Civil Aviation authority?
National aviation authority is a government permissible power that maintains the tail number and guides the approval and the policing of civil aviation. As the eradicable hazards that come with using flights keep on reoccurring, the national aviation authority synchronizes crucial aspects of the aircraft’s airworthiness. The Congo’s Civil Aviation authority, which is also known as the AAC/DRC is a public directorial office that manages Congo’s Civil Aviation authority. The office advances oversight plan for the aviation’s safety and security via agreement with the aviation international standards. Each and every country has different requirements that one has to meet in order to fly for them. This can be regarded as a situation that is similar to that of airlines having dissimilar hiring evaluation requirements in order to choose good candidates for their companies.
The responsibilities of Congo’s Civil Aviation authority.
The Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for the aviation safety; it outlines its policy for the aircraft’s airworthiness. The civil aviation department has been assigned to formulate national policies sand the development programs and the policing of the Civil Aviation and for discovering and implementing strategies for the elderly growth and the development of Congo’s Civil Aviation Authority air transport. Its assignment extends to supervising the airport facilities, air traffic service and the transporting of passengers and cargo by air. The department also guides aircraft’s performance.
The challenges of Congo’s Civil Aviation Authority
Congo’s Civil Aviation authority has not been carrying out their duties as expected due to the ramshackle airports substructures, the navigation equipment and the uttermost poor technical and safety statute. The country has about 54 airports, sic of which are categorized as international airports, but most of the airports are poorly kept and the evidence of that is seen in how ramshackle most of the airports are. As a result, most of the country’s areas are unqualified when it comes to air transport. The Democratic Republic of Congo’s airspace gives a rise to high air navigation risks, the evidence of that was seen in the past major accidents that took place. This clearly indicates that Congo’s Civil Aviation authority fails to meet the international aircraft safety and security standards.
However, Congo’s Civil Aviation Authority together with its government have recognized the aviation situation and they saw how bad it affects the country’s economic development, the government has then commenced on a program that will moderately restore the country’s aircraft pride. The program’s rules and regulations have already been outlined, to better the sector’s institutional framework. The aircraft regulations is currently under the Congo’s Civil Aviation Authority, while airports and air traffic management are under the National Airways Management Agency, with intentions to split the airport power from air traffic management in the near future.
To sum it all up, even though the airports are still under poor management and weak technical capabilities, the support from the World Bank and the African development bank, the equipment and the structure will eventually be restored in three of the five international airports and the air traffic control equipment is also being rejuvenated in a modern way and an ongoing plan of action to increase competence of Congo’s Civil Aviation Authority and the National Airways Management Agency is at its foundation phase.
Contact details and the address of the Civil Aviation Authority of Congo
Tel: +242 22 281 02 27
Fax: +242 22 281 02 27
Email: contact@anaccongo.org
Website: www.anaccongo.org
Address: Rue de la Liberation
de Paris
Camp Clairon
B.P.: 128
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